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jerih payah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jerih payah"
  • jerih:    backbreaking; laborious; operose; grueling;
  • payah:    arduous; laborious; tough; in trouble;
  • jerih:    backbreaking; laborious; operose; grueling; tired; arduous; toilsome; heavy; hard; punishing; gruelling
  • payah:    arduous; laborious; tough; in trouble; problematic; stiff; worn out; watch out; baffling; inconvenient; in danger; knotty; hard; unmanageable; gruelling; heavy; troublesome; exhausted; backbreaking;
  • bersusah payah:    at pains of; made shift; make shift; making shift; strain after; strained after; straining after; go to town; labour; labour, labor; take pains; toil; work; struggle; drive; push; tug; strive; labor
  • kacau payah:    messed up
  • susah payah:    rugged; tough
  • susah-payah:    troubles and difficulties; misery
  • bekerja dengan susah payah:    fagged at; fagging at; labour at; laboured at; labouring at
  • bekerja secara susah payah:    labouring over
  • bekerja susah payah:    laboured over
  • berjalan dengan susah payah:    plod; plodded
  • bersusah payah maju:    struggle along
  • dengan bersusah payah:    at great pains; painstakingly
  • dengan susah payah:    by the sweat of his brow; by the sweat of one's brow; crucially; steeply
  • It's money I really worked hard for to save
    Ini uang simpanan hasil jerih payah saya.
  • It's not magic, it's talent and sweat.
    Ini bukan sihir, ini bakat dan jerih payah.
  • That man has no regard for lawn maintenance.
    Dia tak menghargai jerih payah tukang kebun.
  • My life's work. And you were going to steal it.
    Jerih payah seumur hidupku dan kau berniat mencurinya.
  • Or our effort for years will go down the drain!
    Jika gagal, hasil jerih payah selama ini akan sia2
  • Thisstoreis toil my father's lifetime.
    Toko ini adalah jerih payah ayahku seumur hidup.
  • Right, you're distributing our hard-earned money.
    Benar, kau membagi-bagikan uang jerih payah kami.
  • You know what I've been through!
    Setelah semua jerih payah yang aku perbuat!
  • Ad Astra meaning to the stars and Per aspera meaning through hardship.
    Ad astra per aspera Sampai ke bintang dengan jerih payah.
  • But it"s our only leverage.
    Itu jerih payah kita.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5